Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Assignment 2

Part 1.

1. The first highlight that struck me was there will be an increase in people living by themselves in their household. I wouldn’t think that people would be living alone in this tough economy because it’s economically smarter to live with a roommate and have a dual or multi income.

The second highlight that struck me was that there will be a large increase in the number of married couples not having children, or like you say “baron.” I see this as a surprise because having children has always seemed like part of the times and future for me. I understand that it is expensive to have children and I guess in the economy some people rather not struggle for money and rather live more comfortable without children.

2. I was not surprised with the data/graphs for households with children and without children. Households with children decreased and households without children increased because a lot of married couples want to focus on their career. Having children costs money and their time. Married couples might not have enough money at the early point in their marriage and careers so they may put off having a child to later in life. The longer they wait the less of a chance they have of having children which may also explain them having less children.

3. The chart showed that each household with or without children from 1995-2010 did not change any more than 5.1 percent.

a. Compared to 1995, the families that are most typical are married couples without children.

b. The families that are becoming less common in the future are two parent households with children.

4. In 5 years I expect to possibly be living with a fiancé or husband. In 10 years hopefully still married to the same man, and we will have had between 2-3 children by then. When I am 70 years old I hope to be retired and living with my husband getting visits from my children and grandchildren.

Part 2.

1. In the reading the “New Girl Order,” I learned that there has been a big lifestyle shift. In the late 1960’s and 1970’s, women were typically homemakers. They didn’t focus on college or schooling, and were primarily concerned with finding a husband and starting a family. Women were married at a much younger age then they are today. Marriage was something that occurred in the late teens and early 20’s and they had a full family by the age of 25. Women didn’t have to worry about working because men were primarily the breadwinners and their financials supported the whole family.

2. In today’s ever changing society, norms are always changing. It is usually expected that a young women will attend college or go to school for some sort of training. Women used to go to college to meet a man, but today instead they are going to college to better themselves and come out with a degree. Women are more career oriented then they used to be. After college a woman likes to become established in their career before starting a family. Women are becoming more independent, which is another factor of acquiring an education rather than getting married right away. Since this lifestyle switch for women has occurred, women have become leaders in the work world, and I believe they have received more respect for the work they have done.

3. I think women work more now than they did in the past. In today’s economy it is necessary for everyone to work. If married its difficult to live on one income, and its important that if able a women can help in making life a little easier.

My plan which is obviously not written in stone and it is open to interpretation would be to first graduate college. I will graduate one week before I turn 22,and I hope to get a job by 23 or 24. I would like to work for a year or two and then get married. I want to have my first child by 27, because I want to be a young mom. I would like to stay home while my children are young because I feel children develop strong bonds with there caregivers at a young age, and I don’t want that to be with a nanny or day care worker.

If I had to choose a character from Sex and the City that I most relate to it would be Charlotte York. Charlotte is upbeat and always looks for the silver lining. She unlike the other girls believes in love and marriage, and that everyone has a soul mate and deserves to be happy. Charlotte is easy going but has a temper at times, which describes me well. Something funny that Charlotte has done that I relate to; is in the movie when they go to Mexico Charlotte refuses to eat any of the food because she is afraid of getting sick. The first time I was in Mexico I refused to drink anything besides bottled water or something from a can, and I ordered things without ice. A male character that I would date or maybe marry would be Aiden. He seems nice and was always willing to help Carrie.

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