Monday, February 15, 2010

Assignment 3

1. According to Functionalist Theory the ‘expressive leader’ is the person in the group that keeps everyone on task and connected, which can be compared to a mom in the household. An ‘instrumental leader’ tends to lead the group and work toward the goals of completing tasks, like the father would do in the home setting.

2. The main demographic change during the 1960's and 1970's that led theorist to be critical of the functionalist perspective, was women entering the business world and work force. Women were becoming more and more independent and they had more opportunities in the world.

3. In contrast to functionalist theorists, the main theme of the conflict theory was to place the focus on the conflict between groups or families. The conflict theory talked about how men are dominant in the world and women are submissive to their male counterparts.

4. Exchange theorists say that husbands usually have more bargaining power versus that of their wives, because they are the head of the household. Exchange theorists say that there is always going to be something of someone else’s that you want. ex. The grass is always greener on the other side. The bargaining of power is usually in the mans hands, unless the wife has a job and contributes to the household income, giving them more say and pull in the bargaining of power.

5. The feminist theory is based on the inequality of men and women and it focuses on analyzing gender inequality and the promotion of women’s rights, interest and issues.

6. How should parents balance their parenting styles and if their styles are different, do they try and mix them, or chose one?

A. I would want to study on the macro level and learn about all different kind of families.

B. I would use the survey method, because it would be the most accurate in its findings

C. I would try to get between 100-200 households to have a good amount of information to compare and contrast.

D. 1.How many children do you have?

2.Which parent primarily takes care of the children?

3.How do you separate household chores?

4.Do you have similar or different ideas on parenting?

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